Qi gong and Tai Chi are two closely related activities that when practiced correctly on a regular bases can reduce stress and improve your quality of life no matter what age or physical condition. A carefully designed combination of Qi Gong and health enhancing Tai Chi is composed of four components:
• Gentle Movement
• Breath Practice
• Self-Applied Massage
• Relaxation Practice Through Meditation and Visualization
Tai chi and Qi Gong are simple exercise programs thousands of years old and yet easy to learn without added cost of special equipment or special clothing.
There is a spontaneous self-healing, self-medicating, self-rehabilitating component in every person’s body, mind, spirit interactivity. Even though a disease may come from the outside, as in a virus, the internal healing mechanism of the immune system is the most important healer. A doctor may set a broken leg, but it is our body that repairs the break. The most profound medicine is already in us. We can learn and apply methods to activate the medicine within and its ability to help our bodies heal. Vitality cultivation -- Tai Chi, Qi Gong (pronounced chee gung) and Yoga -- are systems of health promotion based on ancient Asian medicine. They can be very easy to learn and simple to apply.
The ancients knew that by practicing Qi Gong and Tai Chi they were creating a more focused mind and a healthy energetic body. Please join me and explore the path to these self healing, meditative movements that can improve your health and reduce your stress on your terms.
$50 includes Vince's book - "Every Day All Day - Creating Your Own Lasting Personal Practice."